Mrs. O'Boyle's Bookshelf

Mrs. O'Boyle's Bookshelf

Corporate High School
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
The Complete Plays of Sophocles: Ajax; Antigone; Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex); Oedipus at Colonus; Trachinian Women; Philoctetes; Electra
Winter Run
The Penderwicks on Gardam Street
The Penderwicks at Point Mouette
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy
The Penderwicks in Spring
Nanny McPhee: Based on the Collected Tales of Nurse Matilda
A Bear Called Paddington

Laurel O'Boyle's favorite books »

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Are you a quitter?

We are always taught once you start something you really need to finish it. While, in theory, I completely agree I will admit there have been times that I walked away from a movie that was just too dumb or too bloody for me. I have also not finished some books. Here are the books that I've just never been able to get to the end on and the reasons why. Which books have you quit on?

  1. Wayside School is Falling Down: I used to hide books everywhere to sneak in a little bit of reading when I was a kid, between towels in the bathroom, in my pillow, between the mattress and wall of my waterbed, really any place where I might be able to get away with a little reading when I should have been doing something else. This book busted me once. I was reading it by the hallway light when I was supposed to be sleeping. I read to the chapter that talked about the mysterious 13th floor that didn't really exist but kids got lost on, and I got scared. I was in elementary school. I remember having to rat myself out to my mom and dad about why I was crying and why I couldn't sleep. That just about cured me of my nighttime sneak reading ritual.
  2. Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry: This is another book from my scary elementary school reading days. I got about 2/3 of the way through the book when the main character was trapped in her house with KKK members burning crosses in her front yard. I was too worried for her and her family and what was going to happen for them. I again went crying to my mom. She finished the book for me to see if my fears had merit. She said I would be fine to finish it, but I still can't bring myself to finish that book 20+ years later.
  3. Anne of Avonlea: This wasn't a case of being too scared. I LOVED Ann of Green Gables books, and still do. I've read all the others in the box set, but for some reason that I can't explain the end of this book has eluded me. This book is actually the roughest looking of all my Anne books, but it is only because my squished bookworm book mark spent so much time trying to get me to the end.
  4. 1984: This is a very good book that I think everyone should read. It really amazes me the warnings that are in this book for us, and it is scary who small choices can change our life for the worse. I still have never finished it. I got to the last chapter when I was reading this in 10th grade and just stopped. Again, I was worried for the main character, I could envision all the beatings he was taking and was going to take. I predicted what was going to happen and didn't want to find out if I was right, because I didn't like that ending.
  5. 50 Shades of Grey: I started this book because everyone was buzzing about it, but I quickly put it down. I had heard enough about it that when I started reading it I didn't want to waste any more time. The main character was annoying to me. She kept going against what she thought was right, she thought she could change Grey, and she whined about it for the few chapters I read. I couldn't stop rolling my eyes at this dumb girl long enough to clearly read her story.
There are some books that I should go back and finish, but I suppose I'm a little stubborn. I made me decision and for now I'm sticking with it.

Keep reading!

Monday, December 21, 2015

What to read? The trouble with time...

Two things:

1. I'm going through my memory trying to update my Goodreads account for all the books I have read and I realize that is never going to happen. Maybe I can just add to my list slowly as I think of the books I've read over the years and try to remember if I like them or not. I think for now I will just add the ones I really like a lot and add the most recent books I've read and own.

2. In the mean time, what do I read next? I have no paper and ink books that I'm excited to read right now, and it's not the same to read from the old school Kindle. Last week, as I was packing for the holiday break I wondered what book to bring home with me since I will have SO much time to read. Well, I forgot about a few things, there is house cleaning to be done, snowflakes to make to turn this into a white Christmas (even if it means only in the house), cookies to bake, and gifts to wrap. So how am I going to get any reading done?

Ah, ha! Audio books! There is nothing like sitting down or lounging on the couch with a book in hand smelling the glue, paper, and ink and feeling my hand fall asleep as I get deeper and deeper into the story. However, I'm at the point that I feel like I don't have the luxury to do that right now. There is so much to do to get ready for Wednesday, when my celebrations start! I will get on my library website and download an audio book in my Overdrive, then my whole house can listen to the latest adventure.

Hmm... Can you make a snowflake in the shape of a ship? What do you think English 10, should we journey Around the World in January? English 12, what about you? Should we join Gulliver on his travels?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Christmas Book Flood

I found this on Facebook tonight. If this is true, it is my kind of holiday!

I have always had at least one book on my Christmas list. I'll admit, I have a book problem. This year I asked for a hard copy of The Curse of the Capistrano (aka The Mark of Zorro). I read the e-version, and the movie is a family favorite. Is there a book on your Christmas list?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Where do you get book recommendations from?

You can get recommendations for your next book to read from just about anywhere.

Have you ever recommended a book to someone? If they read it how did you feel about it?

My guess, you really liked having someone read a book you said they should read.

What do you do if you don't like the recommendation they gave you?

I haven't been shy about where I get my book recommendations. My students, fellow teachers, husband, family, Amazon account, library, and my children have all offered me suggestions. I've also gotten suggestions from a neighboring family at a campground while on vacation. I wouldn't have discovered The Penderwicks series if it hadn't been for them. I have also found my next read by just reading titles on a bookshelf, hearing about hit movies based on books, or looking for titles that I've heard about but haven't taken the time to read yet.

I know how excited I get when someone is reading a book I recommended. I see the look in my daughter's eyes when she sees me reading one of her recommendations. I notice the smile when I read a book that a student recommends and talk to them about it.

Isn't it funny, one of the best things about reading books, is the sharing and discussing. People get excited about books.

Spread the excitement, read a book and share a book.