This statement pains me for so many reasons.
- It is infringing on the other students' right to read (who wants to argue with a loud classmate anyway?).
- It is robbing my students of the opportunity to experience another world without leaving home and possibly find something they do enjoy.
- It is robbing these particular students of an opportunity of choice. For these 15 minutes each of my students get to choose whatever they want to read, kids book, YA book, magazine, reading homework.
So, really, does nobody like reading? Honestly? No! Believe it or not people do like to read, and some of those people may surprise you. .
There are times I will admit that I don't want to read or I don't like what I am reading that is OK. It's OK to not like what you are reading. So when you have the opportunity to choose what to read, pick something you do like. Quit robbing yourself and look closely at the real reason why "nobody likes reading."
So, why don't you read?
This is really why I started this blog, to give those of you who do like to read a quiet place to speak up and talk about what you are reading and what you like without having a boisterous classmate make you feel like a weirdo. It's OK to talk about reading, what you like and what you don't like, don't let classmates stifle your voice when they aren't even around.
Let's talk.
I love to read and thanks.
I do too. Thank you. =)
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